Meetings That Matter – Transforming meetings culture
Have you ever been in a meeting and wondered why on earth you are there? Have you often felt bored or frustrated by the meetings that you attend? You are not alone. Recent research has shown that ineffective meetings actually cost the economy £582 million per week! It’s so easy to fall into the trap of accepting a meeting invitation without first thinking about the purpose of the meeting, your role in the meeting, or if the meeting is even necessary.
In conjunction with Emer O’Leary, a Crail Consulting associate, we have developed an exclusive programme called Meetings That Matter, based on our decades of experience helping clients improve the effectiveness of their meetings. The programme is specifically for organisations who recognise the importance of a good meetings culture and how this affects values, productivity, behaviour and ultimately, the bottom line.
Insights we have gleaned from our decades of experience have led us to develop this programme which not only addresses key meeting related issues, but ultimately leads to greater clarity of communication, higher levels of engagement and commitment, less meetings in the diary and clients reporting how they now look forward to meetings. It is as simple as Plan, Do, Review and it takes less time than you think. Our approach uses simple hand drawn graphics to help clarify communications and engage people at meetings, skills we can help you develop during the course of the programme.
The Meetings that Matter programme is available in three levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold, depending on requirements and can be tailored to individual needs. For more information, please get in touch via email on or call 0131 272 2760.

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